Peak Potential Chiropractic:
Types Of Care

At Peak Potential Chiropractic education is paramount to helping you and your body achieve optimum health.
What’s Included?
Specific Adjustments
Specific chiropractic adjustments are applied to assist in adding movement to the spine and retrain the nervous system and support tissues.
You will be given specific postural exercises tailored to your needs. These exercises will be given to balance and strengthen your muscles and ligaments.
Regular Progress Reviews
Your progress reviews are designed to track your progress, as well as addressing any additional health concerns that you may have. Click here for more information.

Wellness care is designed to maintain the ideal position of the spine whilst allowing optimal function of all parts of the body.
What is Wellness Care?
Wellness care is for those who have a spine which is in an ideal position, or as close to ideal as they wish to reach at this point in their lives. Wellness care aims to help maintain the ideal position of the spine.
How frequently do I need to go?
The frequency of chiropractic adjustments for wellness care will vary for each individual case, depending on your lifestyle and the degree of correction that you have achieved. At Peak Potential we are committed to providing you with the best care possible.
How to Check Your Child’s Posture:
Remember to check your child’s posture standing without their backpack, as well as with their backpack.
Poor posture may be a sign of an underlying spinal problem, and if left uncorrected may cause serious damage in later life.
If you detect any changes in your child’s posture, or you are unsure about what you see, have your child’s spine checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible.

Figure A. A child with good posture!

Figure B. A child carrying an improperly fitted backpack!

Figure C. When looking at your child
When looking at your child’s posture from the side, these 3 points should be in line:
- The hole in the ear
- The middle of the shoulder
- The middle of the hip
The points are shown on the diagrams above.
If your child’s head is protruding forward, or their shoulder falls behind their hip, there is abnormal stress on your child’s spine and this may lead to long term damage to their spine and nervous system. This abnormal stress may also lead to the development of neck pain, back pain, headaches and poor health.
When looking at your child’s posture from the front, both shoulders should be the same height. (See Figure C)
If one shoulder is lower than the other this can be a sign of scoliosis, and should be professionally checked by a chiropractor
To see Dr Koe Davidson (Chiropractor) or Dr Nicholas Lekakis (Chiropractor) about your child’s posture, contact our Mentone and Bayside chiropractic or click the Request Appointment link below!
We use a number of adjusting approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The approach we use is based on a variety of factors too numerous to describe here.

Think of an adjustment as “tuning” a piano, adjusting each string so it produces the perfect tone.
The primary adjusting techniques we use include:
After identifying which vertebrae have lost their normal motion or position, a specific manual thrust is applied to free up “stuck” spinal joints. read more»
Activator Methods®
This is a system of spinal evaluation combined with a handheld adjusting instrument that delivers a consistent, low-force thrust. read more»
SOT® stands for Sacro Occipital Technique®, a chiropractic technique designed to help normalise the relationship between the pelvis and the head.
The integrity of the spine, and the function of the nervous system it protects, begins with the pelvis. This foundation is constantly subjected to the pull of gravity. When stability is lost, it produces effects throughout your body. read more»
If you’ve been to a chiropractor before and prefer to be adjusted in a particular way, let us know. We want you to relax, enjoy and fully benefit from your chiropractic care.